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Insect-based food ‘better for pets than top steak’

Pet owners are being urged by vets to feed their dogs and cats on a diet rich in insects.

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) says some insect-based foods may be better for pets than prime steak.

The vets expect resistance from some pet lovers, but they say surveys suggest many would accept insect-based food.

Advocates say insect protein provides a more environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional pet food.

Simon Doherty, the BVA president, told BBC News: “There’s a really exciting future for the use of insect protein for companion animals.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity – looking at insects to provide alternative sources of some of the nutrient ingredients we use in pet food diets.”

He said it was essential to find food sources that did not deplete the soil or water, or fuel climate change, and added that it was better for meat to be fed to people than pets.