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Ingredient Swap Allows Newburgh Distillery to Make Hand Sanitizer

Science teacher-turned-distiller Matt Frohman and his two partners have been facing one challenge after another at their business on Ann Street in Newburgh.

Restrictions on restaurants, imposed as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) began its spread, disrupted Frohman’s business model just three days after he opened his new distillery, Spirits Lab. The restrictions required him to close Spirits Lab’s tasting room, and move to only offering delivery and takeout sales of his vodka, gin and bourbon.

To blunt the impact of this sudden change, Frohman started offering another item.

“Four-ounce bottles of hand sanitizer, which is within CDC regulations,” Frohman detailed, as he neatly lined up the newly labeled bottles next to larger bottles of his signature vodka and fiery passion cocktail.

After posting about his new offering on social media, Frohman started getting receiving orders, so many that he would need to reload on a certain component.

FULL STORY: Spectrum News